
- Ph.D. South Dakota State University, 1993
- M.S. South Dakota State University, 1990
- B.S. University of Missouri-Columbia, 1987
Most of my research falls within the broad mission of ecology of fishery and aquatic resources. A major, consistent research theme has been on native fish assemblage restoration, a prominent ecological and societal issue in Rocky Mountain and Great Plains ecosystems. Research interests include: fish ecology, fishery stock assessment, fishery management regulations and tools, native and non-native species interactions.
Professional Society Service
- Co-editor, 2nd edition, Analysis and Interpretation of Freshwater Fisheries Data (2019- )
- President, Education Section of the American Fisheries Society, 2003-2005
- President, North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society, 2002-2003
- President, Kansas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 1997-1998
- Secretary-Treasurer, Fisheries Management Section, American Fisheries Society, 1996-1997
- Chair, Steering Committee, Midwest Fisheries Conference, 2002
- Chair, Communications Committee, Kansas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 2000-2002
- Chair, Professionalism Committee, American Fisheries Society, 1998-1999
- Chair, Skinner Award Committee, Education Section, American Fisheries Society, 1998-2002
- Chair and moderator, Small Impoundment Symposium, 58th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, 1996
- Chair, Publications Awards Committee, American Fisheries Society, 1995-1997
- Chair, Audiovisual Committee for the 1992 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Rapid City, South Dakota, 1992
- Co-chair, Contributed Papers Session, Western Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 2005-2006
- Co-chair, Continuing Education Committee, Kansas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 1995-2002
- Co-chair, Walleye Technical Committee, North Central Division, Walleye Sampling Survey Committee, 1994-1996
- Member, World Sturgeon Conservation Society, 2009-2012
- Member, American Institute of Biological Sciences, 2004-2010
- Member, Montana Chapter American Fisheries Society, 2003-present
- Member, Topeka Shiner Recovery Plan, Advisory Committee, 2002
- Member, Membership Committee, American Fisheries Society, 2002
- Member, Management Committee, American Fisheries Society, 2001-2003
- Member, Meritorious Award Committee, American Fisheries Society, 1999-2000
- Member, Skinner Award Committee, Education Section, American Fisheries Society, 1997-1998
- Member, Student Paper Awards Committee, Education Section, American Fisheries Society, 1994-1995
- Member, American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists, 1994-1997
- Member, Kansas Chapter, American Fisheries Society, 1994-2002
- Member, Publications Overview Committee, American Fisheries Society, 1992-1996
- Member, Education Section, American Fisheries Society, 1991-present
- Member, Fisheries Management Section, American Fisheries Society, 1989-present
- Member, American Fisheries Society, 1986-present
Education & Research Statement
I am currently the Assistant Unit Leader (AUL) of the Montana Cooperative Fishery Research Unit (MTCFRU) and conduct research within the broad context of fish ecology and fisheries management. A consistent research theme of mine has been on native fish assemblage restoration, a prominent ecological and societal issue within the USA and globally. Within that theme, my research has two areas of emphasis—conservation of large-river fishes and suppression of invasive species (for conservation of native fishes).
These areas encompass a broad diversity in ecosystem types and fish assemblages—from large warm-water rivers to alpine lakes. Given the mission of the Cooperative Research Units program, I willingly assist natural resource agencies with their research needs. As a faculty member at Montana State University, I serve on university committees, teach graduate courses and seminars, and guest lecture in a variety of graduate and undergraduate courses.
Current Students
- Kelson Hickman (M.S.)
- Max Rubino (Ph.D.)
- Michael Lant (Ph.D.)
- Tori Ogolin (M.S.)
- Hannah Stapleton (M.S.)
- Cody Vender (M.S.)
- Katie Furey (M.S.)
- Drew MacDonald (M.S.)
- Michelle Briggs (Ph.D.)
Previous Students
- Robert Eckelbecker (Ph.D. 2024)
- Hayley Glassic (Ph.D. 2022)
- Mike Siemiantkowski (M.S. 2021)
- Colter Brown (M.S. 2021)
- Madeline Lewis (M.S. 2021)
- Tanner Cox (M.S. 2020)
- Paige Maskill (M.S. 2020)*
- Daniel Kaus (M.S. 2019)
- Lauren McGarvey (M.S. 2019)*
- Jacob Williams (M.S. 2019)
- Adeline Dutton (M.S. 2018)
- Jeffrey Glaid (M.S. 2017)
- Luke Holmquist (M.S. 2017)*
- Austin McCullough (M.S. 2017)
- Nathan Thomas (M.S. 2017)
- Jan Boyer (M.S. 2016)
- Sean Lewandoski (M.S. 2015)
- John Syslo (M.S. 2010; Ph.D. 2015)
- Carter Fredenberg (M.S. 2014)
- Benjamin Galloway (M.S. 2014)
- Ryan Richards (M.S. 2011)
- Benjamin Cox (M.S. 2010)
- Mariah Talbott (M.S. 2010)*
- Lora Tennant (M.S. 2010)
- Benjamin Goodman (M.S. 2009)
- Michael Meeuwig (Ph.D. 2008)
- James Boyd (M.S. 2008)
- Jason Mullen (M.S. 2007)
- Eric Oldenburg (M.S. 2008)
- Kiza Gates (M.S. 2007)
- Melissa Wuellner (M.S. 2007)
- Brian Bellgraph (M.S. 2006)
- Andy Dux (M.S. 2005)
- Paul Gerrity (M.S. 2005)
- Nathan Olson (M.S. 2004)
Previous Students at Kansas State University
- Stan Proboszcz (M.S. 2003)
- Michael Quist (M.S. 1998; Ph.D. 2002)
- Sally Schrank (M.S. 2000)
- Travis Horton (M.S. 2000)
- Jeffry Tripe (M.S. 2000)
- Patrick Braaten (Ph.D. 2000)
- Matthew Burlingame (M.S. 1997)
- Jeff Tillma (M.S. 1997)
- Jennifer Wiens (M.S. 1996)
*co-advised with Dr. Molly Webb
Fisheries Science (WILD 510)
(Taught in the spring semester of even years.)
Course Description:
Advanced study of theory and techniques related to fisheries science. Emphasis will be placed on data analyses needed to support management practices.
Course Objectives:
- To gain an understanding of sampling needs, structured decision-making, and adaptive management.
- To better understand the dynamic rate functions (i.e., recruitment, growth, and mortality) and population dynamics of fish populations.
- To establish an understanding of indices and associated assumptions commonly used in fisheries science.
- To understand exploitation and harvest regulations.
- To develop an understanding of predator-prey relationships in aquatic systems.
- To apply ecological principles to answer questions in fisheries science.
- To develop an appreciation for the interdependence of fisheries research and management.
Course materials are available on D2L.
Communications in Ecological Sciences (BIO 555)
(Taught in the spring semester.)
Course Description:
This course will allow students to gain experience presenting scientific information using a variety of communication methods.
Course Objectives:
- Develop an understanding of the variety of communication methods used by scientists.
- Gain experience in presenting scientific information in a variety of formats for both nonprofessional and professional audiences.
- Provide an atmosphere that promotes collegiality among all sub-disciplines in the Department of Ecology.
Course materials are available on D2L.
Analysis and Interpretation of Freshwater Fisheries Data

You can purchase the book at:
Dr. Derek H. Ogle has done a wonderful job of converting many of the box examples from SAS code to R script. See his website at:
Christopher Guy
Assistant Unit Leader & Professor
USGS, Montana Cooperative Fishery Research Unit
Office Location
301 Lewis Hall, Department of Ecology
Montana State University – Bozeman
Mailing Address
Montana State University
PO Box 173460
Bozeman, MT 59717-3460
Office: (406) 994-3491
Fax: (406) 994-7479